

On May 4, 2024, the Sree Abirami College of Nursing in Coimbatore, under the aegis of the Trained Nurse’s Association of India (TNAI) Tamil Nadu Branch, hosted a remarkable event titled “Gift Hair 2024.” This event was organized in honor of International Nurse’s Day 2024 and aimed at setting a record for the “Maximum number of nurses donating hair for cancer patients” in both the Indian and Asian Books of Records.

Under the leadership of Dr. S. Anigrace Kalaimathi, President of the TNAI Tamil Nadu Branch, and the dedicated efforts of its executive members, every nursing school and college in Tamil Nadu participated, showcasing a united front in this compassionate cause. Particularly noteworthy was the participation of Zone 8, which includes Sree Abirami College of Nursing, Coimbatore. Out of the 17 nursing institutions in this zone, 12 participated actively, including 9 colleges and 3 schools of nursing.

The SACON Auditorium was the venue for the Zone 8 hair donation event. The day began early with registration starting at 8 AM, welcoming a total of 142 enthusiastic volunteers from the colleges and schools of nursing. These volunteers were composed of 129 SNA members and 13 TNAI members, all ready to contribute to this noble cause.

The inauguration ceremony began at 9:30 AM. Dr. Renuka R., Principal of Sree Abirami College of Nursing, warmly welcomed the gathered attendees. Following her, Dr. P. Periyasamy, Chairman of Sree Abirami Institutions, presided over the ceremony. His opening remarks highlighted the significance of the event and the profound impact of their collective contribution. Dr. Senthilkumar and Dr. Balamurugan, Directors of Sree Abirami Institutions, also delivered special addresses that underscored the value of selfless giving and community service.

A highlight of the morning was the guest of honor speech by Dr. Jaya Sudha, Chairperson of TN-TNAI Nursing Education. Her words resonated deeply, emphasizing the power of kindness and the difference every single donation could make in the lives of cancer patients. Dr. Jaeny Kemp, Vice President of TNAI, then took the stage to give the Chief Guest address, which further inspired the volunteers by recognizing their sacrifice as a beacon of hope and support for those battling cancer.

The symbolic commencement of the hair donation was marked by Dr. Jaeny Kemp cutting the hair of an SNA volunteer, setting a powerful and poignant start to the donations. The atmosphere in the auditorium was charged with emotion and a sense of purpose as each volunteer stepped forward to donate their hair, each snip of the scissors echoing the commitment and compassion of the nursing community.

Prof. A. Tamizharasi, the SNA advisor, presented the Zone 8 event report, which detailed the preparations, participation, and profound impact of the initiative. Prof. Gandhimathi, Vice Principal at SACON, expressed deep gratitude towards all participants, organizers, and supporters in her vote of thanks, capturing the collective sentiment of pride and accomplishment.

In total, the event saw 142 volunteers donate their hair, which was then sent to the Principal of Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, for use in making wigs for cancer patients. This act of kindness not only highlighted the compassionate spirit of the nursing community but also set a significant milestone in the records of both Indian and Asian achievements.

The event concluded around 1 PM after a communal lunch, leaving the volunteers and organizers with a profound sense of fulfillment. The “Gift Hair 2024” event was not just a record-setting endeavor but a demonstration of the humanitarian spirit that defines the nursing profession. It is a testament to how acts of kindness, big or small, can make a significant impact on the lives of others. May the selflessness and sacrifice of each participant serve as an enduring inspiration to all.